Icon | Title/Description | Category | Subcategory |
Icon | Title | Lore | Location / How to Obtain | In-game Description | Additional Info | AP cost of Consumable | Weapon Skills | Abilities (Weapons) | Prerequisites - Features | Must not have Features | Conviction Prerequisites | Related Weapon(s) | Related Weapon(s) | Screenshots (Weapons) | Weapon Classification | Ranged Sub-cat | Melee Sub-category | Weapon Sub-Type | Race | Damage | Armour Penetration | Dodge Reduction | Additional hit chance | Rate of Fire | Recoil | Range | Max Ammo | Strength | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15-27 Damage
Aeldari Chainsword |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more ability on… |
Aeldari Weapon Proficiency
Officer's Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
[Ryza-Pattern] Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainsword |
Aeldari |
15-27 |
25% |
29-39 Damage
Master-Crafted Power Axe |
Axes have a special attack that inflicts bleeding. |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Axe |
29-39 |
40% |
16-22 Damage
Ancient Force Sword |
Unlocked via the floor puzzle on ruin puzzle on Latotian’s Passage.… |
This sword deals an additional +psy rating damage. |
Force Sword
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Force |
Sword |
16-22 |
30% |
10-17 Damage
Master-Crafted Power Maul |
Maces and hammers have a special attack that pushes enemies away.… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Maul |
10-17 |
35% |
14-18 Damage
Anver Chainsword |
Dark Hideout in Footfall’s Shadow Quarters. |
When hit by this weapon, the target suffers a -5% penalty to… |
Officer's Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
[Ryza-Pattern] Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainsword |
14-18 |
15% |
Melee | Lord Karkalla, the leader of the Trebul rebellion, had his head… |
Grants an additional area attack that affects all adjacent cells… |
12-18 Damage
Astartes Chainaxe |
Axes have a special attack that inflicts bleeding. |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainaxe |
12-18 |
15% |
19-30 Damage
Astartes Chainsword |
Loot the Shrieker’s Arsenal cache after the second arena fight… |
This chainsword grants +10% critical hit chance. All chain weapons… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainsword |
19-30 |
25% |
55 |
16-27 Damage
Astartes Combat Knife |
If an attack with this knife kills the target, the wielder restores… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Dagger/Knife |
16-27 |
18% |
33-49 Damage
Astartes Power Sword |
Most Warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Sword |
33-49 |
40% |
35-48 Damage
Auto-Striking Power Sword |
Looted from one of the NPCs during the fight between the Liege… |
When the wielder successfully parries with this power sword,… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Sword |
35-48 |
30% |
8-10 Damage
Axe (One-Handed) |
Axes have a special attack that inflicts bleed. |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Axe |
8-10 |
15% |
11-14 Damage
Blooddrinker Staff |
Top right corner of the Reaving Tempest Spire, a map that’s part… |
Sanctioned Psyker
Unsanctioned Psyker
Two-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Staff |
11-14 |
25% |
12-19 Damage
Power Axe |
Regular Power Axe sold at the Explorators Trader. The Mars Pattern… |
Axes have a special attack that inflicts bleeding |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Axe |
12-19 |
39% |
20-28 Damage
Bloodseeker Klaive |
A gift from Jae Haydari after speaking to her on your ship. You… |
This klaive’s area attack has an increase area of effect. |
Drukhari Klaive
Melee (Two-Handed)
Melee (Two-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Klaive |
Drukhari |
20-28 |
35% |
18-26 Damage
Bloodthirster |
Each hit decreases the target’s Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill,… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Klaive |
Drukhari |
18-26 |
30% |
1219 Damage
Bolstering Resolve |
Each successful hit by this power axe increases the Strength… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Axe |
1219 |
40% |
25-30 Damage
Bonebreaker Maul |
Found in a couple of the chests inside the Ruined Palace location… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Maul |
25-30 |
40% |
13-19 Damage
Chainaxe |
Axes have a special attack that inflicts bleeding. |
[Mars-Pattern] Chainaxe
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainaxe |
Aeldari, Drukhari |
13-19 |
25% |
11-13 Damage
Chainsword |
Commonly found low-level melee weapon on Chapter 1’s main story… |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
Officer's Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
[Ryza-Pattern] Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
11-13 |
10% |
28-38 Damage
Djin Blade of Yremeryss |
Looted from the final boss in Chapter 3. |
If the wielder deals damage to the target with this sword, the… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Blade |
Drukhari |
28-38 |
24% |
30-40 Damage
Rending Chainaxe |
Drop from the Word Bearer Assailant in the Machine Cathedral… |
The weapon can only be worn by the secret companion Uralon. … |
Heretic (Rank III) - Votary
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Axe |
30-40 |
40% |
17-30 Damage
Duelling Sword |
Purchase from the Commissar in the Pit, Commorragh during Chapter… |
After scoring a critical hit with the duelling sword, if the… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Sword |
17-30 |
14% |
30-45 Damage
Ritual Knife |
This knife has a 100% critical hit chance against prone or stunned… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
30-45 |
7% |
16-19 Damage
Elite Chain Sword |
Found inside a box in the Pit in Chapter 3. |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainsword |
16-19 |
20% |
14-17 Damage
Elite Chainsword |
Purchase from the Drusians (Hieronymus Doloroso) on Footfall.… |
Most Warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainsword |
14-17 |
18% |
15-25 Damage
Scorpion Chainsword |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
Aeldari Weapon Proficiency
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainsword |
Aeldari |
15-25 |
30% |
13-23 Damage
Epiphany | This blade has been blessed by a preacher by the name of Himalisk.… |
Complete the Bonfires of Righteousness colony project on Foulstone.… |
If the wielder kills an enemy with Charge, this ability has no… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Sword |
13-23 |
30% |
Scorpion Sting |
Looted in the sewer fight for Jae Haydari’s questline on Footfall… |
Grants the wielder: +10% parry-10 to enemy’s Weapon Skill when… |
17-28 Damage
Serrated Gimmersteel Blade |
Each successful attack with this weapon increases the bleeding… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Drukhari |
17-28 |
15% |
21-31 Damage
Excruciating Shriek |
Deals an additional +4 (4 x STR bonus) damage, and gains + (5… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
21-31 |
15% |
60 |
20-30 Damage
Fine-Edged Hekatarii Blade |
Looted from one of the Arena fights in Chapter 3. |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
Poisoned Hekatarii Blade
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Blade |
20-30 |
20% |
15-26 Damage
Fine-Edged Poisoned Hekatarii Blade |
Dropped by Proselyte Champions in the arena in Chapter 3. |
Most Warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Blade |
Drukhari |
15-26 |
20% |
27-37 Damage
Sharpened Hekatarii Blade |
Drops from Drukhari enemies in Chapter 4. Found during Idira’s… |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Dagger/Knife |
Drukhari |
27-37 |
20% |
10-14 Damage
Force Sword |
This sword deals an additional +psy rating damage. |
Ancient Force Sword
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Force |
Sword |
10-14 |
25% |
12-22 Damage
Fractal Blade |
Unlocked through the Recolliger’s Plot safe level on the Adermatt… |
The wielder of this sword gains a +25% bonus to parry. |
Aeldari Weapon Proficiency
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Blade |
Aeldari |
12-22 |
40% |
Ghost Sword |
Unlock via one of the dialogue options during the Dead World… |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
Aeldari Weapon Proficiency
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Sword |
32-46 Damage
Singer of Fearsome Sagas |
Looted from the corpsed of the Space Wolves during the last battle… |
Attacks by this axe deal additional damage equal to 5% of the… |
Power |
Axe |
32-46 |
40% |
16-26 Damage
Glimmersteel Blade |
Trade with Tervantias the Archmachinator in Chapter 3. |
Attacks with the glimmersteel blade inflict bleeding (4) if the… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Blade |
Drukhari |
16-26 |
25% |
12-19 Damage
Hallucinogen Blade |
Most Warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Blade |
Drukhari |
12-19 |
15% |
26-39 Damage
Harbinger of Carnage |
Drops from Winterscale’s party during the fight on Quetza Temer.… |
10% Parry-10 to enemy weapon skill on hit. |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainsword |
26-39 |
19% |
17-26 Damage
Hekatarii Blade of Bloodthirst |
Dropped by Drukhari enemies during the second arena fight in… |
This blade deals an additional (AGI Bonus / 2) damage to targets… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
17-26 |
20% |
13-14 Damage
Interrogator's Dagger |
On a successful hit with this weapon, the target must pass a… |
Prisoner's Shank
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Dagger/Knife |
13-14 |
10% |
18-25 Damage
Kabalite Venom Blade |
Regularly dropped by Drukhari enemies in Chapter 3, including… |
Most Warriors prefer Swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Blade |
18-25 |
15% |
9-11 Damage
Knife |
Commonly found low-grade melee weapon from human enemies throughout… |
Prisoner's Shank
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Dagger/Knife |
9-11 |
10% |
17-25 Damage
Lawbringer |
Looted from the Safe found at the edge of the map in the lower… |
Grants an additional attack ability that ends the attacker’s… |
Shock Baton
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Baton |
17-25 |
20% |
10-14 Damage
Life-Draining Sword |
Melee weapon reward from Chaos Space Marine in Chapter 1. |
On a successful hit with this sword, the target must pass a Toughness… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Sword |
10-14 |
15% |
11-15 Damage
Manufactured Sword |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Sword |
11-15 |
10% |
10-15 Damage
Noble Sword |
Attacks with this sword cost +1 AP. On a hit, this sword’s attack… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Sword |
10-15 |
10% |
12-16 Damage
Officer's Chainsword | A well balanced variation of a standard-issue chainsword used… |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
Melee (One-Handed)
Aeldari Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
Anver Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
[Ryza-Pattern] Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainsword |
12-16 |
15% |
18-20 Damage
Poisoned Hekatarii Blade |
A type of Drukhari melee weapon, first found on Vheabos VI as… |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
Fine-Edged Hekatarii Blade
Melee (One-Handed)
Poisoned Hekatarii Blade
Melee (One-Handed)
Poisoned Hekatarii Blade
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Blade |
18-20 |
30% |
40-50 Damage
Uralon's Accursed Crozius |
Drops from Uralon, the Chaos Space Marine in Chapter 4’s main… |
On a successful hit with this crozius, all of the wielder’s allies… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
40-50 |
35% |
9-12 Damage
Power Maul |
Typically found on the lower level human mobs through Chapter… |
Maces and hammers have a special attack that pushes enemies away.… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Maul |
9-12 |
30% |
12-18 Damage
Venom Blade |
Most warriors prefer sword for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Drukhari |
12-18 |
15% |
13-17 Damage
Power Sword |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Sword |
13-17 |
20% |
20-30 Damage
Watcher from Above |
Unlocked via the Pleasure World Tier 5 Project on Janus. |
The wielder of this sword gains a +25% bonus to dodge and a 25%… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Sword |
20-30 |
30% |
10-13 Damage
Serrated Knife |
A type of melee weapon found on human enemies in Chapter 3 |
This knife has a chance to inflict bleeding. Most warriors prefer… |
Prisoner's Shank
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
10-13 |
10% |
9-13 Damage
Well-Maintained Axe |
Axes have a special attack that inflicts bleeding. |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
9-13 |
15% |
16-23 Damage
Severed Hand | A dark curved blade crafted by the despicable Drukhari. This… |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Drukhari |
16-23 |
35% |
33-43 Damage
Sharpened Venom Blade |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Drukhari |
33-43 |
15% |
9-12 Damage
Sword |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
9-12 |
3% |
29-39 Damage
Tarvana's Last Stand |
Drops from Winterscale’s party during the fight on Quetza Temer.… |
This power axe deals +50% more damage if the wielder has less… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
29-39 |
40% |
16-25 Damage
[Ryza-Pattern] Power Maul |
Maces and hammers have a special attack that pushes enemies away… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Maul |
16-25 |
35% |
12-14 Damage
Toxic Knife |
A type of dagger found on the later chapters’ human cultist type… |
Prisoner's Shank
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
12-14 |
10% |
10-14 Damage
Weighty Axe |
Axes have a special attack that inflicts bleeding |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Primitive |
Axe |
10-14 |
20% |
12-16 Damage
[Mars-Pattern] Chainaxe |
A Chapter 2 version of the Chain Axe, which you first find aboard… |
Axes have a special attack that inflicts bleding |
Melee (One-Handed)
Chain Greataxe
Melee (Two-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainaxe |
12-16 |
25% |
29-43 Damage
[Sol-Pattern] Power Sword |
Drops off enemies in the Incongruous Defiler battle in the Machine… |
Most warriors prefer sword for they provide more flexibility… |
One-handed Melee weapon |
Power |
Sword |
29-43 |
35% |
27-37 Damage
[Ryza-Pattern] Chainsword |
Looted from one of the NPCs during the fight between the Liege… |
Most warriors prefer swords for they provide more flexibility… |
Melee (One-Handed)
Aeldari Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
Anver Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
Officer's Chainsword
Melee (One-Handed)
One-handed Melee weapon |
Chain |
Chainsword |
27-37 |
30% |