Icon | Title/Description | Category | Subcategory |
Icon | Title | Description | Talents Prerequisites | Weapon Prerequisites | Armor Prerequisites | Accessories Prerequisites | Archtype (Talents) | Must not have Features | Related Talent | Companion | Homeworld - Features | Homeworld | Origin | Screenshots | Project | Short Form | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Armour of Contempt | Whenever an ally is affected by an Officer’s ability or talent… |
AC |
Be Vigilant! | Allies under the effect of the Officer’s abilities gain a bonus… |
BV |
Blood of Martyrs | Whenever an ally uses a heroic act, that ally gains temporary… |
BM |
Commanding Voice | The range of the Officer’s abilities is increased by +3. The… |
CV |
Emperor's Blessing | Get Back in the Fight! ability also increases Toughness of a… |
- |
Focus! | Whenever the Officer uses an ability on an ally, that ally gains… |
F |
Heroism | Whenever a heroic act is used in combat by any character, the… |
H |
Inspire Courage | Whenever the Officer targets an ally with an ability for the… |
IC |
Inspiring Speech | Air of Authority immediately grants momentum to the target equal… |
IS |
Into the Jaws of Hell | The Officer gains +10 Willpower and +10 Fellowship when they… |
Iron Discipline | Allies affected by the Officer’s abilities gain a bonus to all… |
ID |
Lasting Impression | Half of the bonus granted by the Voice of Command remain until… |
LI |
Lead by Example | Whenever the Officer uses an Officer archetype ability two times… |
LE |
Leader's Assault | Whenever the Officer makes an attack, they gain +5 Fellowship… |
LA |
March | Whenever the Officer’s ability moves any target, the Officer… |
M |
More than Possible | The target of Bring It Down! gains +1 AP. If they finish their… |
No Respite | Whenever the Officer’s ability grants action points to an ally,… |
NR |
Personal Oversight | Whenever the Officer targets an ally with an action (an ability… |
PO |
Physical Encouragement | Whenever an ally starts a turn (including any extra turn) adjacent… |
PE |
Prepare for an Assault! | Break Their Ranks! works as if there were one more enemy adjacent… |
PA |
Seize the Initiative | At the beginning of combat, the ’Officer gains an extra turn.… |
SI |
Steady! | Take Aim! also increases the damage of the next ranged attack… |
S |
Steel Resolve | The Officer’s resolve is increased by +3. |
SR |
Watch Yourself! | Targets of Move! Move! Move! gain a +10% bonus to dodge and a… |
WY |
Wounds Are No Excuse! | Get Back in the Fight! removes 1 Fresh Injury from the target… |
WA |