Icon | Title/Description | Category | Subcategory |
Icon | Title | Description | Location | Recipe | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Uncommon Melee Impactor Mod | Gives a minor physical damage and force boost. Successive hots… |
Uncommon Melee Electrocutor Mod | Converts your weapon to inflict Shock Damage and gives a minor… |
Uncommon Melee Cremator Mod | Converts your weapon to inflict Fire Damage and gives a minor… |
Found on the workbench after completing the Room Service for… |
Uncommon Melee Puncturator Mod | Converts your weapon to inflict Bleed Damage and gives a minor… |
Uncommon Melee Mutilator Mod | Gives a minor Physical Damage boost. Successive hits to a zombie… |
Uncommon Melee Liquidator Mod | Converts your weapon to inflict Caustic Damage and gives a minor… |
Uncommon Ranged Puncturator |
Uncommon Ranged Cremator Mod | Converts your weapons to inflict Fire Damage and gives a minor… |
Uncommon Ranged Impactor Mod | Gives a minor Physical Damage, Force Boost and Traumatized effect.… |
Can be found on the workbench after completing The Red Mist… |
Uncommon Range Liquidator |
Uncommon Ranged Electrocutor Mod |
Rare Melee Liquidator Mod |
Superior Melee Liquidator Mod |
Uncommon Ranged Liquidator Mod |
Rare Ranged Liquidator Mod |
Superior Ranged Liquidator Mod |
Rare Melee Puncturator Mod |
Superior Melee Puncturator Mod |
Rare Melee Cremator Mod |
Superior Melee Cremator Mod | Grants the best quality mod blueprint for melee fire modifications.… |
Acquired by opening the Lifeguard Kit Box in the Lifeguard HQ… |
Rare Ranged Cremator Mod |
Superior Ranged Cremator Mod |
Rare Melee Impactor Mod |
Superior Melee Impactor Mod | Grants the highest mod quality for the Impactor themed weapon… |
Fond inside the Foreman’s Safe in Beverly Hills. Requires you… |
Rare Ranged Impactor Mod |
Superior Ranged Impactor Mod |
Rare Melee Electrocutor Mod |
Superior Melee Electrocutor Mod |
Rare Ranged Electrocutor Mod |
Superior Ranged Electrocutor Mod |
Rare Melee Mutilator Mod |
Superior Melee Mutilator Mod |
Uncommon Ranged Mutilator Mod |
Rare Ranged Mutilator Mod |
Superior Ranged Mutilator Mod |