Coupling Module Operation Report Data
Coupling module for Scanner SD-03M
Activation date and time: DD/TT
Event log:
[00:00:001]: Initiating procedure protocol.
[00:01:247]: Background anomalous radiation detected. Saturation: 0.47 ef.
[00:03:589]: Forming transition channel.
[00:04:761]: Initiating scan procedure.
[00:05:115]: Phase transition.
[00:06:247]: Saturation: 0.99 ca.
[00:07:081]: Object reactivated.
[00:07:821]: Approbating using the Knyazhinsky formula.
[00:07:921]: Detecting auto-emission in the upper tau range.
[00:08:001]: Checking for sync phase.
[00:09:111]: Kaymanov’s sync phase detected.
[00:10:001]: Procedure complete.
WARNING! Kaymanov’s sync phase detected! Operator, follow special protocol PS-07! Make sure the procedure is complete! Do not try to extract the container on site! The device must be safely transported to the ARL in the Special Field Research Unit.
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