Back to Riftstone Riftstone of Robustness Riftstone Riftstone of Remembrance Riftstone of Solidity Description Find pawns with a brawny build. Items for sale Screenshots Interactive Map Locations 1. World Map X: 10571 Y: 3525 Reward: 30 RC for activating it. 2. World Map X: 8569 Y: 4570 At the edge of the lake, near the Marshland Settlement. 3. World Map X: 4185 Y: 7115 Found ontop of the stone pillar next to the path 4. World Map X: 10344 Y: 4499 Near the Campsite of Riverside Ruins.Reward: 30 RC on activation. 5. World Map X: 4921 Y: 8458 On top of the cliffs near the headless statue. 6. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map X: 2487 Y: 4098 Subscribe Now to Remove Ads
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